loan sharks

2615 days ago

Advanced Oncotherapy - Death Spiral accelerating, what about the 25p hurdle?

When AIM uber dog Advanced Oncotherapy (AVO) announced that instead of going for non dilutive funding ( as no-one would provide it) it was being forced to resort to a dreadful £13 million death spiral from loan sharks Bracknor, its shares were 65p. When the death spiral started the shares were 58p. Now it just £100,000 of the death spiral loan notes on the first £1.3 million tranche converted, the shares are just 43p to sell. Bracknor now has three reasons to panic.


2757 days ago

Vast Resources - The Interest Free loan which will actually cost a minimum of 27.5%

Shitty little AIM Companies such as Vast Resources (VAST) would be better off borrowing on the company credit card than dealing with loan sharks such as Bracknor and Northland Capital. To add insult to injury Vast describes as $2 million loan today as interest free. Bollocks. It is even more expensive as the infamous loan from fragrant Katrina Clayton the wife of the FD at FRAUD African Potash (AFPO).
